Fear, a suspense thriller written and directed by Haritha Gogineni under the banner of Dattatreya Media, produced by AR Abhi and co-produced by Sujatha Reddy, was released on December 14th. However, the makers started giving paid premieres of the film in various places from the evening of the 12th. Vedhika and Aravind Krishna are playing the lead roles, while Jayaprakash, Pavitra Lokesh, Sayaji Shinde, Satya Krishnan, Anish Kuruvilla, Sahithi Dasari and others are playing key roles. Anup Rubens has provided music for the film and Andrew has done the cinematography. Let’s see how the film is.
When it comes to the story of Fear, which is based on a suspense thriller, Vedhika is very scared as shown in the trailer. The reason for that fear is that his family members keep asking him from time to time and he keeps telling him who is following him. But is anyone really following Vedhika in the film? Is someone trying to kill him? Or is he behaving like this on purpose? To what extent did Aravinda Krishna actually support Vedhika? This film is tagged as a film based on some stories. How much is it true? How much is it fictional? What is Vedhika’s mental state? To know the answers to all these questions, you must definitely watch this film on the silver screen.
Actors’ Performance:
Vedhika, the main character in this film, gave his full performance and acted very well in his own style without missing any small expression. Similarly, Aravinda Krishna is known to have already done good roles. Similarly, he succeeded in portraying his character in this film too. Similarly, Sahithi Dasari, who played Vedhika’s friend in the film, did justice to the role given to her by acting within her scope. Similarly, Jayaprakash, Pavitra Lokesh, Sayaji Shinde, Satya Krishnan and others played key roles in the film and brought their characters to life.
When it comes to child artists in this film, they are the main ones who have acted in this film. Because they carried their respective characters and acted like very experienced people regardless of their age. This film shows how useful these child artists are for everyone.
Technical Analysis:
When it comes to the technical team of this film, Haritha Gogineni should be talked about first. She not only wrote the story and direction of this film, but also edited it and brought the film to the audience in a different form in her own style. It is special that a woman directed her own story and made such suspenseful films. However, even though there was a slight lag in the first half, the audience would understand such a story only if it moves slowly, and the film was shaped in that way. Similarly, it is clear that there was no compromise in the production values. Although the BGM was a bit disappointing here and there, overall, Anup Rubens has provided the right music for such a story. Also, taking precautions in all other technical aspects, the film has been made wonderfully and brought to the audience.
Plus Points:
Story, screenplay, direction, actors’ performances, production values.
Minus Points:
First half is a bit laggy, background score.
This film will be a full meal for those who like suspense thrillers. Fear is a film that can be watched together with the family without any adultery.
Rating : 2.75/5